Teabaggers laughed when asked to tone down the rhetoric, now they expect others to...

It was the president that wanted "civility", and in my view we have been. Far more civil that liberals were in the Bush administration. Why are you libs reverting?
I don't expect liberals to tone down any rhetoric, apologize for being jackasses, try to get along with fellow Americans without that sneer thing they do, or any other civility. Those days are gone and I don't see them coming back.

We've been called terrorists by the VP. Maxine Waters told us to "go to hell." Then Hoffa with his Obama army. You people are just too far gone to try to raise right.
LMAO your messiah said to tone it down then squirted himself when his puppet master the union thug boss did it!!! ROTFLMAO at the lib sheeple hypocrites, baaaaaaaaaa baaaaa for 0bama!!!!

waaaaa says the 0bama sheep because they know their lying messiah is one and done!!!!
I remember liberals laughing when they made posters about Bush being Hitler, but when Obama is compared to a monkey or a joker, its offensive.
its sooo completely hypocritical that they should come up with a new term to describe it.....maybe supermegahypocrisy......or Hyperhypocrisy
The desperation of the losing left is getting boring. If they could just defend their policies with something of substance would be soooo fearful.
they laughed because THEY were being told to tone it down while the left continued to spew vitriol.

They laughed at the left's hypocrisy.

Recent events just remind us of the left's hypocrisy.