Teddy Bear Makers, Newbie Questions?


New member
Oct 8, 2012
My girlfriend has very recently got into teddy bear making and has done a few of those kits you see and stuff, shed like to now start buying the material and getting patterns off the Internet so I'd like to buy her a kit to get her started but Im really confused. She's not made a jointed teddy yet but this might be her next project looking around there are all different types of joints and sizes, most of her bears will be either a small or medium size.

My main questions are

- What type of joint would be the best
- What size of joints would be more common to use for the size of bear she's making
- What other tools and equipment might she need ie any special kind of thread, eyes, noses etc
Many jointed bears use cotter pins and washers; you'd get them from a teddy bear supply company.