Telus Prepaid account adjustment charges?


New member
Apr 12, 2010
When I checked my transaction history for my prepaid account, I noticed that Telus is charging me 10 cents for "account adjustments" with details saying "web browsing". I've never gone on the web at the times they list. 10 cents may not seem like much, but it happens so often that at times it only charges maybe 20 cents, and other times it charges up to 5 dollars.

What's going on? I know it can't be an accident, because the times listed are sometimes in the middle of the night, where I'm asleep and nowhere near my phone. I checked my brother's account, and he has the same random charges.

Anyone know anything about this? Thank you ^_^
have you gotten the Paper billing fee of $2 per bill,
or the screw you fee?
what about the government endorsed, "rape your costumers" fee?

There are two kinds of crooks in this world, the ones that break the laws, and the ones that make them.