Tesco sell rotten food. How should I complain?


New member
Jun 24, 2010
Today I bought chiken legs in Tesco next to mu house, now I opened it and I saw that thay are very sticky and had blue and green spots and it also had horrible smell.

On the packing it says that it's suitable until 5 of august.

It's crazy!! How you can it something like this, you can get poisoned.

I still have the bill.

I want to complain about it. How I should do it?

Should I go to shop with chiken and bill or I should go to some instance that has power over food shops?
packing was totally ok, there was no holes
Personally I would take it back to Tesco. It sometimes happens that the packaging gets damaged and the food gets contaminated. As the item is in date then Trading Standards would not be much use as Tesco have not broken any laws.
if they have a website, go directly to corporate and complain. if not, find out the name of local G.M. and tell him/her
It went rotten because there's a hole in the packaging. That may not have been Tesco's fault. If you take it back to Tesco, they'll give you your money back. However, Tesco do that for everybody. If you want to make a fuss, complain to the environmental health department of your local authority - but they won't give you your money back.
You can do both. Call the board of health and report the incident and store location or call the company if there's any feedback for questions on your receipt.
Just take chicken, packaging, and receipt back to the store and let them know the problem and how unhappy you are for the inconvenience. It shouldn't happen, but it does. I have even had it happen with large supermarket chains and Foster Farms or Zacky chicken.
Take it back to the shop - I've always found that tesco's are very good with returns. make sure you take the original packaging and your receipt. You'd be surprised at how many people try making false claims with old stuff! Make your complaint politely but firmly, telling them you were disgusted and will find it difficult to buy anything, particularly fresh food, from their store again. You'll probably find that they offer you a couple of vouchers as well as replacing your legs (as it were). Not this this is what you sought, but you might as well take advantage.

There's little point in going further than this. Tesco's is a huge concern and can easily walk over trading standards offices and similar legislation.