The Blues Monkey Hour with Diane Green - Dec 29,2012


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Mar 4, 2009
Half Deaf Clatch real name Andrew McLatchie is a blues musician from Kingston upon Hull in East Yorkshire UK. The stage name comes from an obvious abbreviation of his surname and the not so obvious hearing condition tinnitus, which although highly annoying doesn`t really affect his ability to play music. All good blues musicians need a blues name to gain credibility e.g. Blind Willie Johnson, Mississippi Fred McDowell, Seasick Steve and so on. Hes described as one man with a guitar, slide, stompboard and some songs. He combines the influence of the Delta and Hill Country Blues of Mississippi with a contemporary alternative edge. The act and style of his music developed over time and lots and lots of gigs, writing and discarding songs left right and centre, building various stompboards out of anything he could lay his hands on perfecting the idea until he came up with the Butchers Block Stompboard which is used at all gigs and through a half decent PA sounds remarkably like a bass drum. Coupled with a detuned resonator guitar (which gives the sound some low balls), and a custom made cobalt blue bottleneck slide (made from an Italian lime soda bottle) the Half Deaf Clatch sound is certainly unique in Hull, if not all the UK. Clatch has been described as having a blues voice and lyrically his songs appear to be about the simple things, but most have a subtle real meaning that most people wouldn`t even notice. Who Needs Shelter is now available as a physical copy with digital download and a free EP of blues covers from Bandcamp. Fourteen tracks of raw downhome acoustic blues with added
