the flapjack thread......


Apr 16, 2008
Ok,so some people may think that I am ever so slighty obsessed with flapjack,not sure where they got THAT idea from!

Well,ok so I admit it,I do make a lot of flapjack,but it's great for training, both pre and post training snacks and kind of gets me through the day.

I'm currently trying to perfect my recipe,and am adding more seeds and stuff at the moment,so thought I would share it with you all.If any of you have other flapjack recipes then let us have them!

125g butter
300g oats
3 tbsps honey
50g raisins/sultanas
140g brown sugar
50g sesame seeds
50g sunflower seeds
flax seeds (I sprinkle them on top)

Heat the butter,sugar and honey in a pan. When melted,add the other ingredients and place in a baking tray.Cook at 180C for about 15 minutes.


This is only a rough recipe as it kind of changes every time,so don't blame me if it doesn;t work or something!
Try marketing them better, a video of you making them would be cool, perhaps in a panda suit? Go for world domination of the flapjack!
Protein flapjacks, great for pre-workout energy, a snack on the way home from training or just a tasty, healthy snack

I nicked the recipe from here and have been making them for a while. They're really good

Whey concentrate 200.0 g
Porridge Oats 200.0 g
Sultanas, 200.0 g
Honey, Pure, Clear, 60.0 g
Soya Milk, 250.0 ml (you could probably use cow's milk, but then it wouldn't keep for so long.

Mix the whey, oats and sultanas in a bowl. Add some ginger powder too, if you like the taste of it. Mix all the ingredients as much as possible.
Put the honey and soya milk in a cup and microwave it until the milk is hot and the honey stirs into it easily.
Add this to the mix and stir it in quickly. You should find that there is still quite a lot of dry powder. This is where you get your hands dirty! Knead the mixture until all of the dry powder has been incorporated. You should now have a really thick dough.
Press it out into a glass dish until it's even depth all over.
Microwave it for only 2 minutes.
Let it cool. When it's completely cool it should cut into neat slices. It'll be tough, so you need a proper knife
I recommend wrapping each bar up in cling film and keeping them in the fridge. This way they will keep moist and they are easy to grab and take to work, or wherever.

This will make 8 bars, with a nutritional breakdown of:

Calories (kcal) 305.6
Protein (g) 24.6
Carbohydrate (g) 42.8
Fat (g) 3.8
Fibre(g) 2.4
Su, since you're trying to perfect the recipe, one little thing . . . Do you mill your flax seeds first? If not then you probably should start doing so. Whole flax seeds will just pass right through you and you'll fail to get anything from them.
Erm,not sure.I bought them in a bag at tesco. (How thick do I sound!!!)
But thanks for the info!
Well if they're seeds then they'll need to be ground up somehow. Basically you just need to split them open so that your stomach juices can get at the goodies inside. You don't need to do anything extravagant, just fling them in a good blender and swill them about until they're a dampish powder.
Sounds like you guys are making something more along the lines of a protein bar than a flapjack. I'd always presumed that flapjacks were some sort of pancake. I'm going to presume that flapjack means something different to you than it does to me.

Both recipes sound delicious.
Ahh yeah flapjacks over in the uk are oaty bar type things with either syrup or honey and stuff.

I am partial to making pancakes too,delicious with honey and fruit.
I make banana pancakes for the kids.

Even though math is hard for me, I'm going the measurements to something I can understand and try and make some of these flapjacks. I eat a bar of some kind every morning for breakfast, and it would be good to be able to make my own.