The Sailing Experience of a Lifetime


New member
Dec 23, 2010
A memorable cruise on the shimmering waters of the lagoons, canals and lakes in God's own country is always cherished. The 'Kettuvallams' of Kerala after a long time in exile are back with a boom. The traditional houseboats are now turning into mascot of Kerala tourism. Kettuvallams are barges with thatched roofs and wooden hulls which were actually used in trade and as homes for the traders and their families. The travellers who find these 'floaters' as an exciting place to stay along with entrepreneurs are responsible for reviving these archaic laviathans.

The 'modern' kettuvallams are beautiful and luxurious havens with huge bedrooms, kitchen delicious local cuisines and keralite lifestyle. A meeting point of tradition with new age, kettuvallams have turned into a paramour of the backpackers. The tour of the water ways with view of scenic sunrises and sunsets, the migratory water birds, the fisherman's life, the palm fringed coastlines, the simple chinese net which create a landmark of their own, add to the essence of Kerala.

The ark of innovation has gone a way further and proclaimed itself to be the true 'super'structure with ayurvedic spas and health centres. In kerala ayurveda has always had a place of reverance in the medical science. Kettuvallams are now turned into ayurvedic treatment centres inorder to provide a constant change of scene and impending tranquility to the 'care seekers.' Along with luxurious and scenic spas and health resorts in tropical settings, the 'drifting hospice'is also been given a thumbs-up.