The thread of GREAT phrases.....

"Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win." Sun-Tzu The Art of War: Strategic Assesments

"Wealth is the slave of a wise man and the master of a fool."

"Hate no one; hate their vices, not themselves."
It's time to separate the wheat from the chaff, the men from the boys, the awkwardly feminine from the possibly Canadian.
"i put mah walkman on and said 'i might as well kick it'"
-The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air (aka will smith)
Mr Smith: "I move my finger one inch to use my turn signal. Why are these assholes so lazy they can't move their finger one fucking measly inch to drive more safely? You wanna know why?"

DQ: "Not particularly."

Mr. Smith: "Because these rich bastards have to be callous and inconsiderate in the first place to make all that money, so when they get on the road, they can't help themselves. They've gotta be callous and inconsiderate drivers too. It's in their nature."

"There once was a woman who was quite begat. She had three babies named Nat, Pat, and Tat. She said it was fun in the breeding, but found it was hell in the feeding when she saw there was no tit for Tat. You have caused me no end of trouble, but now I shall return the favor. Tit for Tat, right?"

There's going to be more shooting, more people are going to die. I didn't start it, but I mean to see it through. - Bob Swagger
OAR is the shit, but i dont think that would qualify as a "Great Quote"

what movie is that first one from? remember it from something
fat guy -yah its a hidden picture
little kid - its a spooner
fat guy - HA you dumb fuck its a sail boat
little kid - a spooner is a sail boat
fat guy-.......
Your a disease and I'm the cure.