Theists: Which religion should I follow? Why should I worship god?...


Jul 4, 2008
...Atheists also please give your views.? In every religion and also in atheists their are people who are happy , unhappy , rich, poor, healthy, unhealthy, educated ,uneducated... this shows that no particular religion is better than others and their is no difference between people who worship god and who don't .what do you think?

Which religion should I follow?
To answer this you may claim that i should follow your religion, but this will be claimed by people of all religions. Christians will give references from bible to prove that Christianity and Jesus are true; Muslims will give references from Quran to prove that Islam and Allah are true. Similarly people of other religion will do the same.

How do you prove that only your religion is true?
Just because you were born and brought up in your respective religions do not make it the only true religion .what about the child who was born in Christian family but was brought up by a Muslim family and he never knew that?

I think:
1. They all are same power with different names. Note that either they are same power with different name, and if they are not same then either one of them is true ,either allah or Jesus or some other power. No one in the present world has seen Allah or Jesus …etc.

2 .we should worship god by our deeds by spreading peace, happiness ,education....etc in the world and by curbing corruption, injustice....etc from the world .because god also wants this to happen .we can not make him happy by fighting to spread our religion in the world like Osama bin laden and some other people who kill people in name of baptism and similarly other religions.
please answer this question also (this is a totally different question );_ylt=Aj_hWUIcyhQ8XlQvlzdMVnTsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20100813214433AAL9GSy