Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

went for a drive with my cousin, got some ice cream it was nice except cousin kept texting while driving. I'm not ready to go to heaven yet!
^ wow, speaking on mobiles is bad enough, whether driving a car or cycling, but texting!? what's that line in Pulp Fiction where Vincent goes on about someone keying his car - skip judge and jury, straight to execution i've been cut up and knocked off my bike enough times by inattentive drivers to have a zero tolerance
I feel like death. I'm tired as hell and can't face eating but ought to as I'm DJing on a local radio show later and it would kind of look bad if I passed out or became nonfunctional...
Have started getting static electric shocks off of the filing cabinet at work. I've been there years, why has it just started now?
Doesn't it sound kind of arrogant though if I announce over the air that I hang out at somewhere called martial arts planet? I mean there's the implicit 'I can kick your ass'...
Being massively out squatted by a 9 year old girl!
It's okay nobody else here can beat her either Frodo. Clearly she's a freak and her parents force her to train 24/7 without even a pee break.
Car failed MOT yesterday. Went to pick it up today after it had been fixed and retested (£250), and it wouldn't start. £125 for a new starter motor and I was half an hour late picking brat number 2 up from school, who decided to fill the time by eating all the icing off the top of the cake I baked and iced the day before so he could decorate it for an Easter competition at school. Meanwhile, brat number 1 (who was given strict instructions to come straight home from school) waltzed in an hour and a half late, refused to sort his clothes out for me to pack for the weekend, and stormed out of the house without his shoes on to roam the neighbourhood for another hour and a half. AAAARRRRRGGGGHHHHHH!!!! as well as GRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!

Stuff the holiday - I need a drink.........
Hang on a minute. You put your car in the garage for an MOT. I assume you drove it there and it started fine on that morning. But your car fails it's MOT, is fixed and then won't start. For which you fork out more money on a new starter motor?

Didn't you ask "WTF did you do to my car? It started just fine before I brought it in and let you knuckle dragger's near it!?!" .... ?
Yes, actually! Unfortunately it had done something similar in the past - had to get roadside assist out to look at it and was told (after they fiddled around for a bit and the car suddenly started again) that it must be an intermittent electrical fault, possibly in the ignition barrel. At least when it played up this time I was just outside the garage, so they could play with it and figure it out while the fault was in progress. At least I got free use of a courtesy car - pity they didn't tell me it would be such a long job a bit sooner, so I could have picked the small numpty up before he destroyed my cake........

P.S. If the same thing happens again now they've 'fixed' it by replacing the starter motor, I will hotfoot it back there and demand they fix it again - WITHOUT charge.......
Do you perchance drive a car that's filled with chips? Like say a Citroen? Sounds like a problem my sister had with a car she bought from an auction. Nobody could figure out what was wrong with this car. She spent £2000 on trying to get it fixed and eventually scrapped it.