Things that make you go :-)) take two!

Grr to fat lazy cousins-in-law!

Particular cousin is a partial hoarder and seems to not believe in the concept of basic household chores. Her house is...diabolical feels like an understatement - they live in a Kim & Aggie style house. If you don't know who they are, google it. It's horrendous.

A few years ago I made the mistake of helping them move house. They had the notice for three months in advance that they would be moving and the keys for their new house for a whole month. The house itself? 50 metres down the road. They had done nothing. At all. And the place they were moving out of was so filthy that the landlady had given them notice to leave. It reeked something awful, there was all kinds of filth everywhere, dirty nappies left about, coffee mugs left out so much they'd started to grow mold, the works. That wasn't the worst part.

The worst part was that they made lunch and I ate it - the only reason I ate it was because I'd assumed my wife had made it for me (she knows I am ridiculously fussy with my food). Couple that with grappling with all their furniture. Within a couple of days I came down with chronic sickness and bloody diarrhea, severe abdominal pain and fever which triggered off my psychoses - so at the same time I was suffering with sleep depravation, audio/visual hallucinations, muscle spasms and hyper-sensitivity. It lasted about 10 days in all before I could finally sleep. Turns out I had picked up a nasty little bug called campylobacter (not sure on the spelling) from helping them move house and eating food at their place . The only consolation I got was that myself and another family friend who got roped into helping deliberately damaged all of their furniture - everything except the kids' furniture. Nothing so bad it was structurally unsound, just a few large chunks here and there.

Anyway, my wife, being the helpful kind, has been round on quite a few occasions over the last year to dig them out, helping them scrub their place from top to bottom, etc. Bear in mind the woman I am talking about has a baby about to turn 1 as well as two children aged 5 & 6, otherwise she wouldn't bother.

My wife took her and my daughter to see them because there was a carnival on.


Sorry to rant, but that crap really grinds my god-damned gears! Somebody needs to go round and kick her head in, I swear.
I'd offer advice but when I was 5, I threw away 6 pairs before my Mum gave up. At least two pairs went out then window (we lived on the top floor of a three story block of flats at the time).
This is something that makes you go ) ... you really must love bloody diarrhoea. If I had walked into a house in that condition I'd have walked right back out again and wouldn't go back until they at least made an attempt to pack and clean.
Oh yeah, totally loved the bloody diarrhea

Under normal circumstances, had I volunteered of my own accord, I would have walked out. Straight away.

The problem was the day we got roped into helping was the last day they had to leave before the Landlady could attempt to reclaim her property and all the legal shenanigans that followed. So we couldn't just walk away from that one. Plus she was in a bad emotional state at the time, so foolishly I felt sorry for her.

I have since pointed out I will never help them move house again and my wife is now far more careful about volunteering me to help people.

Wow, he's a damned good gardener actually, got a real eye for it. How's he for interior decorating?
Are you sure (and not just cos I don't have a tele.)

Honest Trailers - Avatar - YouTube
Damn! The wife swept the sky remote from my grasp before I could get to it! No recording Avatar for me

Still, I have all new Family Guy tonight

That...was...just beautiful. I laughed to hard at "side bloob" it hurt. Superb

...I really gotta train tonight before I get into trouble