Things you do that no one knows about v.Idk

I jump out of bushes next to third-grader bus stops and beat the shit out of them for their milk money, and use it to buy condoms for my mistress.
....and i masturbate constantly....... PILLOW FIGHT."

I flex infront of the mirror and put my knucks up in fighting stances. Im the sexiest mother fucker to whoop ass ever lemme tell you.
you should fap atleast everyday of your life.

i called my 8th grade bus driver a bitch and blamed it on the fat kid.
that is quite an accomplishment. i dont even knowhow you would go about doing that unless you poop on something and then smear it on your face, in which case i wouldbe very dissappointed because that is not nearly as amazing as direct facial poopage.
well i assumed that when he says he poops on his face, he means he poops on only his face, not that he poops oneverything in a 30 foot diameter, including his face. i suppose the a-bomb theory would classify as pooping on ones face though.