Thinking about getting a handheld console?


Feb 27, 2008
I been thinking about getting a 3DS or a psp or vita but I don't know if I would keep up with it but it does look like there's alot of good games for them but I haven't had a handheld since the gameboy color
Well, it depends on what games you like to play. If you really like Nintendo exclusives then get a 3DS, if you like play station exclusives and have a PS3 or at least like the big console games, then get the Vita. The PSP is way outdated and most of it's games can be downloaded to the Vita through the Playstation Network store. The Vita has better graphics then the 3DS, but it is also more expensive and you won't get everything out of it unless you have a Ps3. The 3DS has a lot more games (many of which are shovel ware) and it has a lot do the big Nintendo franchises backing it up, but the 3D can take away from the experience on some games and the graphics are still kind of muddy.