This woman was injured and I randomly went there and started pretending I am a


New member
Oct 12, 2010
doctor! HELP LOL!? Hey my name is Courtney and I am 15.

So today me and my friends were walking to the mall and there was this woman and she was on this chair and there were employees everywhere and they were screaming OMG someone help help and then my friends were like omg go pretend your a doctor and help her! Because the employees werent doing anything!!

So I I went there and I am like OKAY EVERYONE BACK OFF I AM A DOCTOR! everyone moved and ppl were looking at me like uhmm isnt this girl too young to be a doctor.

The woman was screaming and I just started telling her to calm down and i held t issues to her face and told them to call 911 and the ambulance came.

I told the paramedics I think she fractured her nose and they were like who r u and I was like I am doctor courtney brooks and they said ok.

LMFAOOOO WTF!! IM ONLY 15!! Ok is what I did really bad?
It was irresponsible and wrong of you to do that. Maybe this woman only had a superficial nose injury, but you can't just go around saying things like that.
impersonating a doctor can be really bad if you are in a hospital but on the streets I guess it's fine just don't let anyone find out.;_ylt=AizpO1sbH0tiOZsPP4nyVMoazKIX;_ylv=3?qid=20101214194322AAdEiuH