Tobacco smokers, why do you keep smoking despite of your awareness of


Active member
May 13, 2008
the dangers involved? Cardiovascular and cancerous diseases are the two top killers in the developed world. Tobacco smoking increases your risks of having either. Don't let me get started on the financial disadvantages.

Is it worth it?
@Kit Kat Smiley Cat, because to most people, leaving their house is more advantageous than staying in it 24/7. You would be more likely, not less likely, to get hemorrhoids if you suddenly decide to quit pooping. On the other hand, I don't think that it's more advantageous to be a smoker because the downsides are apparently more numerous than the upsides.
Why do people leave their houses if they can get murdered, raped, hit by a bus, shot, etc.
Why do people people poop knowing at any given time hemorrhoids could occur.
It's called addiction!

Why do you moan about our personal habits, that affect you in no way, despite your awareness of the risk of us beating the shit out of you involved?!
Why do you worry so much about what I do? It's like me asking why you, (or your parents), buy things made in China instead of the US, taking jobs away from our people. Is it worth it? Is it worth all the unemployment? Is it worth all the food stamps and the welfare?

There have been warnings placed on cigarette packs for decades. Every kid knows that smoking is bad for you. Why do we do it? Because we damn well want to. Stop trying to run other peoples lives for them.