video camera questions for a newbie?


New member
Mar 11, 2011
I want to get a video camera, but I know nothing about them.
what is the best number of megapixel?what is a megapixel? is 12 good megapixels? how much can a 32GB SD card hold? what is the best GB? whats focus range? how to I get the SD card to play on my tv and how do i upload the video form my video camera onto my computer? what is exposure compensation? what is the best type of exposure compensation? whats a burst function?- and many more.. if theres a site on this i would like the link or just many things explained to me. thanks!
Seeing how long it takes to get video out of a camera, do what I do, spread it out over 3-4 Class 10 SD memory cards, 8 gigs is fine.
Here's a capacity chart
Megapixel means nothing in video cameras 12MP would be a good still camera, but means nothing to video. Focus range is what you can set your camera to, as in ' the camera is in focus from here to there.' You do not want an SD card video camera. MiniDV tape drive cameras have the best video quality, better quality than any other storage media. Exposure compensation is a still photograph term, not applicable in video. So is the burst function.
To see a review of the video camera I love go here -
Just to give you another option...

Many digital cameras today also record video.

Something to think about.