Virus RANT: What the heck is Anti Phishing Domain Advisor? BROWSER VIRUS!?


New member
Sep 10, 2008
Have you ever experienced a redirection of a search engine like Yahoo! or Google
If "Welcome to nginx!" or a url that sounds like "Partner37 mydomainadvisor"... Then you have a browser virus.

While searching for a Micorsoft Word to PDF converter on CNET and downloading it. I recently had a weird browser redirect when going to Google, or Yahoo. I thought it was no big deal because I would just refresh it and it would be fine.
Problem would still occur and while researching... I discovered that cleaning your cache would solve the issue... It did, but only temporarily and the problem still came about. Sometimes there would be another redirect that would say... "Welcome to nginx!"... or a URL with "Partner37 mydomainadvisor"
So something doesn't sound right.
Did some more research and found out this is a type of Browser Virus.
First time I encountered this.
Ran an full system Anti-Virus scan with Avast!, and Malwarebytes, found something. Thought that would solve the issue...
After several days of frustration, running several anti virus scans, in normal AND safe mode, UNINSTALLING MY BROWSER (Google chrome, and no I didn't back-up my bookmarks) losing ALL of my bookmarks and saved information... I went to my "Add and Remove Programs" and saw this 'Blekko' thing that my Doc to PDF program came with. I thought I removed it, but I guess not.
Removed it, and it also removed this "ANTI-PHISHING DOMAIN ADVISOR"... I called bullsh*t. Removed it, looked it up, and WOW... negative reviews, and lots with the same issues I was facing.

So far, my browser seems to be working fine.
This program really is a pain in the butt. I CANNOT believe CNET let this go by.
Probably wouldn't go to CNET ever again.
Ugh! I've been having the same problem, and I'd thought I'd fixed it -- just like you did. I never DID get to the bottom of it, but avast! keeps on telling me that they're blocking trojans and things, from Not sure. I just finally got rid of blekko and and the anti-phishing domain advisor thing, but is the at all related to those two? Cuuuurious.