Was this another Christmas greeting from the religion of pieces?


Dec 3, 2009
Details to be added after question posts...
Female bomber kills 45 at food center in Pakistan
"The bomber, dressed in the head-to-toe burqa robes that women commonly wear Pakistan and Afghanistan, was challenged by police at a check point, officials said.

"She then charged toward a group of 300 people lined up outside the food aid distribution center in the town of Khar, tossing two hand grenades before blowing herself up, officials said. The crowd was made up of people who have fled conflicts elsewhere in the area."

Christmas is just another day for Muslims.

Another day, another woman blowing herself up after throwing hand grenades into a crowd in a busy marketplace.

I wonder if anything unusual will happen today.

If militant extremists represent only a small percentage of Muslims, don't you think they would have run out of them by now?

Where do they keep finding people willing to splatter themselves like this?