What are some cool and interesting things for a teenage girl to read about?


May 15, 2008
Not sex.

I like to learn about different things. Somebody suggested to me that I might like to read and watch videos about subliminal messages and how our subconscience picks up on them. I found that really interesting.
I'm asking this because I like to learn things, but at school I'm kind of getting tired of the textbook work. I haven't got much of a choice when it comes to that, so when I can I'd like to learn about things that I can choose to read/learn about.
I know that everybody has different interests but I'm a 13 year old girl (I'll be 14 next week). I was wondering if you could think of anything that interested you at my age or around that time.

Thank you.
if you like fiction books at all, i love to read about girls my age and things in their life that i can relate to. a few good books in that topic are:

- just another girl (great book) by melody carlson
- are you there god? it's me, margaret by judy blume
- rules by cynthia lord
- the earth, my butt, and other big round things by carolyn mackler
- deep down popular by phoebe stone
- define "normal" (one of my favorites) by julie anne peters

if you arent interested in that kind of thing, you might like fiction with educational facts also. i LOVE the percy jackson series, if you've heard about them. they're about a teenage boy who discovers that ancient greek mithology is real and that he is the son of a greek god. they're really good.

sorry if this wasn't what you're looking for, but i dont read much nonfiction. some of these books are really good though, so i suggest giving them a try. good luck ;)
learn about the Energy fields around us..... look up auras. and 6th senses..... Read the Celestine Prophecy for some real good examples of how strong we are spiritually,... young women, especially, have strong abilities.
Please listen to that suggestion and see how it works, as you say, you found it interesting. Then you can experiment with other methods.
I read eric Bernes book games people play at your age it was interesting seeing how people behave and understanding that this is how we are trying to find relationship with others - It made sense as I could relate to it - I think some personal growth self help books interesting and inspiring just browse that section of a bookshop or library - Social psychology is pretty good fun stuff.
try somehting like palm reading or astrology, It's really interesting how much of it is accurate and can be used on a daily basis. It's not for everyone but everything's worth a try. :)