what are some healthy meals i can eat to help me lose weight?


New member
Jul 4, 2008
What are some healthy breakfast dishes, lunch dishes and snacks that can help me lose weight? What are some healthy meat dishes for the following meats:

Chicken, Fish, Pork, Shrimp and maybe beef if it is good to eat when trying to lose weight and what kind of meals can i use ground turkey?

thank you i am desperatley trying to lose some weight and i do excersize at least an hour a day
is pretzels and popcorn a good snack to eat when trying to lose weight?
you do not want something with a lot of salt or butter so try fresh veggies for a snack something like celery with ranch for pork or shrimp try stir fry's that have lots of fresh veggies ground turkey can be use for soups and salads sandwich's if you can stand to take that long to make it .Alvocoto on toasted bread sounds gross but it's good for you and your body and it is not that bad so try that usually you would put mayo on it but i would find something less fatty like salad dressing and miracle wipe is better for you then mayo because it is a type of salad dressing good luck
whole grains, low fat dairy, lean meats that are grilled, baked, broiled, or steamed. raw fruits and vegetables, steamed veggies. portion sizes are important. drink water. pretzels and popcorn are good if you don't eat too much and don't put a lot of salt or any butter on them. chicken, turkey, and fish are the main meats, but steak is good if it's lean. keep away from fried foods and foods with lots of grease or oil or sugar. ground turkey is a good substitute for ground beef.
Oatmeal is great for a healthy breakfast. You can buy the packets that come in a box of 12. All you need to do is pour 1/2 cup of hot water into the oatmeal and let it sit for about a minute or two. Wheat toast goes great with oatmeal. It will help you to not feel hungry till lunch.

Here are healthy recipes from the Mayo Clinic:
