What are the odds of winning the Gadget Show Competition?

I'm a regular viewer of The Gadget Show, but have never entered their competitions...

The question they ask is usually very difficult to get wrong ,so I reckon the average viewer has a chance of one in a few thousand (and that's being optimistic!) of winning the truckload of gadgets...

No prizes for guessing how they can afford to give away such a large prize fund each week - yup, the money donated by people hoping to beat the odds. Do they publish statistics on the average number of entrants?

And given the duplication of prizes (e.g. all gadgets in a comparative review), how many end up on ebay within a week or two of being delivered?

Remember the days when viewer competitions were competitions, rather than expensive prize draws?
if anything you would have more of chance of winning the lottery, and that is 2,521,806,503,486 to 1
Great show but I imagine the odds are thousands to 1 considering the prize is worth 25k, Costs to enter £1.50 work it out they want to make money not lose out. Many TV shows are at it , makes me sick !