What computer for graduation present?

i would go for a cheaper laptop and get something else. don't get an alienware or air both are a waste of money
does mac make one of those really small desktops? like dell's xps one i think...

the whole thing is one piece, im just the average pc user...but i think those would be cool..sorta like a portable desktop.
Better manipulation is not the sole reason for choosing mac and who are you to call me a douche based on assumption? I have always been a Mac fan for multiple reasons.
Build your own and understand that Apple computers are overpriced proprietary machines sold because they have dumbed down software based on free open source software.

They are only the baselines of graphic work for ignorant and gullible people.
Again... assumption. I have personally test drove multiple pc setups and macs. My choice is soley personal preference.
Too bad I was not assuming anything.

You've already made up your mind as to what you really want and made this thread solely to boast.

If you insist on blowing money away on an overpriced plastic box with rounded corners, go ahead. Just don't make a thread about it when you don't even want to hear alternative views.
ok, i see macbook air coming up. the only reason i would ever refer an air to some is if they travel.. A LOT. performance is not what it is built for.. at all.
You have a valid, but extremely debatable point. If you have never used a mac i advise you to not jump to assumptions. I agree with price, but video editing and photo shop.. Flat out, i dont care what you say, my cousin and his business use macs and a few others as well. But if you intend a mac for anything else, if you do then its a waste.
My reason for making this thread is to see others opinions on either a laptop or a desktop. To boast would not serve a purpose to anyone, including myself. We obviously have different views on macs. I like both Windows and OS X and not once have I bashed others for their views on an operating system and i would ask that you do the same.
how is the air any more portable than any other laptop. It is a little lighter and extremely thin. But the length and height are the same as other laptops. So how does it make it more portable? Answer: IT ISNT :idea: unless ur too weak to carry a couple of extra ounces. Anyway its an overpriced pos
I agree with most of you on the whole macbook air. I think its stupid Apple would waste resources and money on designing something that useless.
Oh I've used Macs quite a bit. I am just aware that multiplatform graphics programs do not function really any better in OSX than Windows. Despite FCP being OSX exclusive, there are plenty of Windows video editing programs which offer equal abilities.
I agree, photoshop is photoshop as well as any advance video editing software no matter the system running them
Again a valid point. Personally, i go to school for communication arts i have to use a mac. Although a PC is capable and has equal programs the mac offers alot of it in one. when im in a crunch for a job or project, and i had a PC in the start and i had to get a mac book to keep up. I love PC's and i build then whenever i get one. But the macs simple advances in these programs, it really shows its colors.
But again i also have a valid but debatable point, which a lot comes down to opinions.

EDIT: knowledge of one another will often sway minds as well.
Yo check out Boxx computers. I went to visit SVA for computer animation they use Boxx computers and macpros.