What do you do when you meet someone who you instantly feel a very strong...


May 14, 2008
...connection with, but then is gone? I finally got a job a few months ago. After being there a week or so I met a girl. From the first time I saw her, she made me feel...different. We only worked a few days together but had a lot of fun with each other. I felt something between us but never told her about it because I knew she had a boyfriend. About month later, she quit because she got pregnant by her boyfriend. I don't see her anymore but we are friends on facebook. I dunno what it is about her, but when I look at her i just want to be with her and talk to her and spend time with her...but she is with someone. Should I do nothing and just forget about her? I mean we barely know each other but I have never felt this way about anyone and I don't know how to handle it.