What do you feel like ranting about?

Goddam vicroads!

I rang and got through to an indian gentleman. He was a little difficult to understand but I tried to struggle through. Then the scumbag keeps talking too fast and when I ask, POLITELY, for him to slow down a little he fkn hung up on me. Now I have to go through the whole shebang all over again. I hate call centres and vicroads so much I want them to stub their toes and get papercuts and splinters. I hope their fathers get gout and their dogs poo all over their carpet.

Unemployment....and high prices suck...now the bush tax freeze will soon be lifted....pray for gods kingdom!!!!
1% of the US population holding 26% of it's wealth. Bush tax cuts. Unemployment, and jobs being sent offshore.

Cuts in education, after school programs and art programs so we can pay for more cops and jails.

People that don't know the difference in socialism, communism, Stalin/Marx dictatorships, and a totalitarian form of government.

Religion is next. I better quit, before the thought police get here!