What do you guy bikers think of a girl riding next to you on a sport bike just...


New member
Feb 7, 2009
...as fast as yours? Be honest.? I just am so very curious as to what you guys think when you see girls out there tearin' up the roads.
I mean, don't say there's not any girl riders out there.
There may be few, but they DO exist.
I'm a future rider.
I'm head over heels in love with the Suzuki GSXR.
And I think Ducati's can fall off the face of the Earth.
(I have absolutely NOTHING against Italians!)
Whats the difference? If a person rides fast enough to past you then let them past. Even though I ride pretty fast there are people that will past me.
Whats the difference? If a person rides fast enough to past you then let them past. Even though I ride pretty fast there are people that will past me.