What do you think is fueling the trend for teens to want babies?


New member
Oct 12, 2008
Yeah, what is making so many teens so desperate for babies they disregard safe sex? Is it a trend? Is it glorified too much?
I believe that teen pregnancy is actually down in the country but I think that the lack of shame regarding teen pregnancy and promiscuity before marriage in general is an issue. Maybe we should introduce teens girls to the many women in their 20's and 30's dying of cervical cancer in this country. One reason for it is having sex at an early age and having multiple partners.
Who the fucking fuck fucking wants to fuck with a condom?The problem is that condoms suck!That or just teach them all christianity because studies show that christians value not disobeying their parents more than anyone else does!
Most teens don't want to get pregnant but shiit happens comeing from a 18 year old that's how I see it
Honestly Americans in the United States today have absolutely no shame, morals or values anymore. Even American parents dress their 4 year old daughters like tramps, in bikini tops and denim shorts. As well they are also piercing their children's ears, noses, eyebrows etc, and feeding them Prozac and Ritalin. Or sending them to psychiatrist or evangelical reprogramming if they hug, hold hands or bond with their peers or if they act like children.

You go into any department store in the United States and just look at the children's clothes especially for young girls, they look just like clothes prostitutes wear. Parents outside the United States have fully banned all these trashy children's clothes. You see here comes honey boo boo and her sisters all wear on their TV show, or see American kids wearing, looking like little gang bangers and tramps trying to pick up men.

As well the American education, peer pressures American students to date each other, with making valentines cards, attending school dances, home comings, proms and even adding to this Sadie Hawkins, peer pressuring girls to date male students. Then they make those cheesy American teen movies which adds more peer pressure. If they aren't dating or if they are a virgin, their seen by their peers as unpopular, a looser, gay, ugly, a social reject etc.

Then American television shows like MTV's Teen Mom or Teen Dad, Here Comes Honey Boo Boo, Sarah Palins daughter getting pregnant at 14 and having a kid at 15 etc. This is where it all comes from, to add to this stupidity. George Bush introduced the idea in 2000 of American school children being taught abstinence sex education, and wearing purity rings. Seeing the high figures of teenage pregnancy and 1 in 4 Americans having an untreated STD today in the United States.

Shows that American children all should be taught proper family planning safe sex education, to know how to protect themselves from becoming pregnant or getting an STD. Instead of putting on the fake crocodile tears blubbering repeatably, I'm sorry, with heartfelt boo hoo music playing, like on all of those pathetic MTV American teen pregnancy TV shows, which glamorizes it.
alot has to do with home issues , communication may not be there, lacking in very important areas of being a parent is what we face . We live in a world where providing for our children is enough or we've become more of a friend than a parent .not to mention the amount of media streaming on our tv sets now a days has little girls aspiring to be look ,act a certain way . It is inevitable not to see so many young girls pregnant. Again it starts of at home. What are we allowing our children to watch listen or read? Who are we allowing around or in our children's life? What are we as parents portraying ourselves to be ? Are we practicing what we preach?
teen mom show
free hand outs
free food
no shame in it anymore
bad parents
the traditional family has become a joke thanks to the left and thats the biggest reason