what food can you cook in a microwave on camp?


May 16, 2008
I am going on my year 11 camp on Tuesday, (it is now the thursday before) and we have found out that the structure of the cabins is four cabins grouped around a common room, and then other buildings similar to it. hence there is little teacher supervision at night. we have also found out that there is a microwave in the common room, so what sort of food should we make? we already have popcorn, but keep in mind that the ingredients have to be taken in a bag on a bus etc to the campsite so preferably not too perishable. thanks!
Yes it is just for snacks we are being provided main meals etc. so it is just for night time while in our cabin. all ideas sound good so far though =)
There are vegetarian hot dogs available in cans that you could take along, with some weinie buns. Also, what about making s'mores? Or heating up some jarred nacho dip to have with chips? And don't forget some soups if it rains or turns cold.
there are a lot of foods that you can cook in a microwave, most canned goods, like soup, chili, beans, etc. can be easily heated in the microwave, just remember the can opener. Potatoes actually cook really well in the microwave as well. here's a link: http://www.wikihow.com/Bake-a-Potato-in-the-Microwave I don't know if you're doing all your cooking in the microwave, or if you are just looking for snack ideas. There are lots of great snacks you can bring along that don't require cooking as well. There are tons of website with microwave cooking recipes, but I understand the need for recipes that don't contain perishables. Well, good luck!