What happened to people when they died BEFORE Christianity/Judaism/Islam...


Active member
May 11, 2008
...was invented by man?
@Rationandheart So basically what you're saying is that Allah is telling us to shut up and stop asking questions? Hmm... Religion...
there were also prophets around, who told the people to live a good and unselfish life.

the same thing happened when people died then as it does now. religion is a comfort blanket it takes the edge off the fear of death.
Your question is problematic, as you say the religion is invented, there is no religion called Judaism or Christianity. Judaism is derived from the name Judah, the son of Jacob. People named the religion of the son of Judah as Judaism. Christianity is Still an invented term, Jesus did not say I am Christian, this is also an invented term. There is only one religion called Islam which means submission to will of God according to which Adam was a muslim so were Noah, Moses, Jesus and many other prophets that lived in-between. We did not invent the term Islam, it means submission. If you had a chance to ask Jesus, what is your religion, he would not say I am Christian, because he did not heard it, also if you called him "Jesus, Jesus" he would not turn to you because he did not also hear the word Jesus, he was Hebrew not a Grek, the name Jesus is a Grek word for as far as I remember "Isoiah" or something sounding similar, and in Arabic "Isa". Lets come to your question, Allah (God) says in the Quran that He has sent many messengers except those named in the Book, therefore all the names of prophets are not recorded. As an Islamic rule, those who were not delivered the message are not to be held responsible, therefore anyone who did not hear the message of Lord will not be responsible. But today, this is not the case, media, universal communication spreads information instantly. Allah will deal with past generations fairly as he says (3/182) That is for what your hands have put forth and because Allah is not ever unjust to [His] servants."
Leave past generations to themselves and care for yourself, we wont be asked what elders did but what we have done.
Same as happens now in the more than 3/5 of the world that doesnt believe in Christianity/Judaism/Islam.
Ancient pictures on caves walls show that man knew there was more to life than
just this world. They seem to get away from the name of God and worship things
they knew in nature. Things they feared like the sun, when it got too hot, or night
when it got too cold. If they didn't think there was an afterlife they would have been so precise on how they buried their dead in special places. Many added material things so they could take them on the journey, that happened on every continent.
Well, everyone has their own beliefs, but Ill share my Satanic 2 cents.
In real Satanism, Christianity was invented by people as a way to enslave people, and make Satan look bad, but he is our true creator. He wants us to be just as powerful as him, which we can only achieve while alive. If you reach that enlightenment, your a god, if you dont in your lifetime, you keep coming back (reincarnation) until you do reach that state of enlightenment.
I know of two views on this subject.

The first is that they are held in reserve till after the Millennial reign of Christ in which the dead are raised and the books are open and every man is judged accordingly. For it is this part of History that God glorifies His Son and through those that believe the Millennial kingdom is for the Christians not the Old Testament saints.

The second is that when Christ ascended into the earthly regions he went to raise the Old Testament saints in what was known or referred to as Abraham's bosom and when Christ rose from the grave He led captives in His train.

What ever view point or other is taken one thing should be stated God is just in His dealings with man and what He does is for the specific glorifying of the Son of God. For it is this reason alone that the universe was formed and the physical realms were established that Christ would come into the world take upon Himself the flesh of man and die for the sins of all mankind, be buried rise the third day and appeared in glory according to the Scriptures.

Now is the time of repentance for it is in this hour we are given the opportunity to believe in Him and accept Him to glorify Him or to refuse and suffer eternal condemnation.
They were buried.
Teachings of Lord Jesus Christ was not invented by man, it was just recorded in written form by men.
Judaism is something Jews have written after rejecting Jesus as Christ.
Islam and Muhammad, as it seems to by comparing it to Old and New Testaments, is a false faith promoted by a false prophet; if it considers Old/New Testaments as corrupted, it should have provided the uncorrupted versions, but instead it mixes Law of Moses with pagan practices.

It's always been the same.

Genesis 3:19
Psalms 146:4
Ecclesiastes 3:19,20
Ecclesiastes 9:5,6,10


Revelation 20:13,14
Revelation 21:1


Psalms 37:9,11,29.
Proverbs 2:21,22
Proverbs 10:29,30.
Matthew 6:9,10.
Matthew 5:3 ... or
Matthew 5:5.