What is the best First sports bike?


Jun 3, 2008
Since ur not really into the go fast racing thing and wanting to stay alive and since u are a lil big that narrows it down to the ninja 650r. cheaper than ur average crouch rocket but still has some balls unlike the little 250 u was talking about. had one of those and trust me im 160 and them things are slow.
Ok here is my deal. I have been driving a manual car ever since I was 15. I have done Track, Drift, and Drag races in my buddies STI back home. I now drive an 07 camry manual that I can only pretend is quick. I am currently 19 and have been looking into some pretty nice cars. The problem I have run into is that I cannot afford any of them. My parents are willing to help me with the money, but not a lot of it. I have decided that a sports bike may be a better route to go for the time being. It accomplishes the "having fun while on the road" that I am looking for. I love to drive. It is basically my life. Again being in school I have less money than I would like. In the interest of saving some gas money by getting a bike, what would be a good bike to start out on? I probably want to stay in the 250cc area in the interest of not dying and such, but If going higher means having it last longer and not out growing it, I may consider it. I'm 5'11" 200 pounds with the build of a goaltender in hockey. Thanks for the help!
If you get a ninja 250 you will be disappointed. Get a 500cc or 600cc motorcycle because in 2 weeks you'll be tired of the wimpy power of the 250 it's like a scooter with a motorcycle body
The Ninja 250 has been mentioned with all valid points but I'm going to take it further. Get a USED Ninja 250. It's cheap ($1500) and you can sell it for the same price after a year when you are ready to upgrade to a 600. Also, if you drop it, you won't be as disappointed as say dropping a brand new 2011 ZX6R.
Ninja 250.

Faster acceleration than most cars, can go 100mph, light and easy maneuverability, good gas mileage, cheap insurance, looks good, upright seating position, holds its resale value well, and is very fun in twisties.