What is the best used beginner sport bike for $2k or less?


May 26, 2008
Hi, I'm a beginner biker, 5' 7" and 185 lbs.
I want to buy any used and cheap bike just to ride it around and practice for 2 months left of the summer. I will mostly be doing short trips ~5-20 miles and maybe once in a while I will take a longer ~45 mile trip. I was considering a Ninja 250, I was looking into buying a 2001 250 for $1300 but I read some reviews that say how it is an extremely light bike and the power is felt only when you rev it at high RPMS. A 500R was recommended instead. I don't want to be so dead set on Ninja's but I've heard nothing but good things about them as beginner bikes.

MAIN QUESTION: What is the best sport bike for 2k that is reliable, and safe on the highway (won't swing around on a windy day)? Please also mention their years and feel free to express your very long opinion about any specific bikes (good or bad).

Sorry for the long description/question, and thanks in advance and let the experience roll in!
250 is quite a small engine...you'll grow out of it quickly. You could try with a 500R like you were told, or look for a Suzuki GSX [you choose the CC] If you can be in control of the amount of throttle you use, the size of the engine is not relevant. Just don't yield to the temptation of fooling around too soon or your bound for disaster.
Well you dont want to swing on a windy day, so that takes out 125's
I Would recommend the ZX250R (ninja) because it is by far one of the most reliable 250cc's out there
and i wouldnt recommend anything bigger then a 250 as your a beginner rider and trust me a zx250 is fast enough.

If you dont want to be dead set on a ninja, another recommendation is the aprilia rs 125
its as big and fast as a 250 but maintanance is a major major major pain.
My first bike was a hond cbr 900 it was a 96 and i only paid 2000 for it it was in really good condition and never gave me any problems for the whole year i had it look around sometimes youll be surprised at how cheap someone is selling a bike for maybe they need the money or are just trying to get rid of it for whatever they can get. a 250 is definately too small i recommend at the lowest a 600 take your time dont rush into anything hope this was helpful