What is the best workout DVD collection for me?


New member
May 14, 2008
Well I'm trying to look for a good workout plan whether it be in the gym or in my apartment. I have access to a small gym with treadmills and weights and other machines that I use regularly. I am 147lbs and my ideal weight for my height is about 130ish and I am trying hard to get back there. My usual routine is going to the gym about 4-5 times a week and doing about 30 minutes of fast walking (I can't run do to ankle injuries and even fast walking can keep me sore for a few days) and a few sets on an ab machine they have every other day. On the other days I do about 15 minutes on the elliptical and then do light weights about 10lbs for 20 mins. Anyhow, my problem areas are my upper arms, ab area, muffin top and thighs. Pretty much the usual trouble for any woman. I'm not really noticing any results with my workouts though which might be linked to my eating habits which I would love any suggestions for good cook books or "diets" (I hate going on diets so I really think I just need to learn how to eat properly and cook good meals) I really don't want to bulk up too much although I realize muscle burns fat but I don't want to look like one of those women from the P90X program. I've considered Hip Hop Abs but I think it would be to easy for me since I already do regular workouts. Any suggestions on a workout plan or DVD set would be great as well as a meal plan.

Thanks in advance :)