What is the difference between heterosexual rape and a loving consensual sexual...


New member
Oct 4, 2010
...relationship between a man ...? ... and a woman?

It's obvious right?

So why is it when I distinguish between a loving consensual relationship between two straight men (albeit in prison or similar) about 50% of the respondents do not differentiate between loving/consensual and rape simply because of the building it takes place in?

They go on and on on about the fact that all the sexual encounters are rapes.

I am talking about the well documented affairs straight men have. Why do people deliberately miss the point?

it's weird.

Anyway I shall be taking a break now and I will be back after a little breather to sing the title song of my new album *Wonder Man*

Thangeewwww laydeeezanngennelmen

Re my questions re straight men having same-sex LTRs when isolated in prison etc
*Turning Out In Prison*

3 hour two part BBC documentary re straight men in long term romantic one to one relationships in prisons in the USA