What is the meaning of marriage to you aside from the religion angle?


May 14, 2008
keba----well, how do you explain the existance of married people who do not follow churst or claim membership in your church, a church, or any religion?
A outward and public declaration of commitment. To stand before witnesses and pledge a life-long desire to nurture, love and protect each other. A way to shout to one and all, "I LOVE this person always!"

Also a big blow out party with cake and gifts.
The decision and commitment to form a partnership with a person based on love. The promise to be there for one another, love each other, create and share life and memories together, and support each other.
to trust to know that he / she always be there to fight to be on one level to agree to be the best
The family is the core of all civilizations. On a sexual basis the closed loop of sexual fidelity prevents STD and damage or death to children not yet born and quite likely of the two partners. It is also a symbiotic relationship benefiting both people. It is a covenant created by God and has worked well since the dawn of time. One does not have to have faith in God to be married, the conditions of the marriage covenant are available to all, a man and a woman may get married. Same sex marriage can not exist because marriage is a relationship of a man and a woman and produces life or children. No government political correctness can alter that fact.
When two people love each other enough they want to be bound together until the day they die. Anyone should marry even if they are the same sex.
A ceremony that binds people together that way they can say that they have ownership over the other, some sort of misguided right in their companion's lives', which is why you can't be with other people when you get married!

I think marriage is pointless since people don't abide by their vows.

Love you until death do us part!? Puh-leez! When has this happened?