What martial art tricks should i learn first?


New member
Sep 22, 2009
I have no experience, and i want to know what tricks i should try to learn first or the basic tricks and also i have no martial arts school near me so that isnt an option
@white devil, I've already taken alot of self defense martial arts, but since there is no martial arts in my new area i want to start tricking
"tricking"??? I wouldn't go around telling people you are "tricking"


some of the most fun martial arts moves are brazilian jujitsu and aikido. brazilian jujitsu is mostly submissions and throw downs like you can see in the UFC. aikido is a Style of Martial arts used more as protection but it mainly focuses on using your opponent weight and momentum against them. they have some cool throw downs and pins as well.
why do you want to do tricks?
if it's all about tricks, it's not a martial art, then it's movie-fu.

ah... "tricking". have seen similar questions before. you are wondering about "stunts" (in a manner of speaking), neh?

if as you say, you already have some experience and training, then you should have a fair idea of what your capabilities are, so we won't get into that.

with "tricking" in mind, you should get into a gymnastics school. this will help you develop some of the more "high flying" attributes you will need.

through gymnastics, you will begin to understand the "geometry" of your own body, as well as the mechanics of movement. also, gymnastics will allow you to perfect much of this movement under safe conditions.

then, gather some kung fu instructional dvds. DON'T try to emulate the movements exactly as given. instead, use them as inspiration and incorporate what you see into the routines you develop for yourself.

believe it or not, ROCK CLIMBING will be a godsend. if you get really into tricking, the parkour will be something you want to try.

imagine the kung fu masters battling it out and leaping onto tables, rafters, walls and such... rock climbing and gymnastics start to make a lot of sense, neh?

start with these. as time goes on, you will develop a sense of how and where to proceed.

have fun with it!!

try to learn basic fundamentals first by watchig videos then try and learn more advanced trick moves