What other prophet, teacher or religious leader has as many (or ANY) fulfilled...


New member
Dec 16, 2010
...prophecies as Jesus? Look at the list for youself ~
No other person of history has numerous fulfilled prophecies like Jesus of Nazareth. His birth, life, ministry, death & resurrection are foretold in astonishing detail. They provide undeniable proof for the existence of God & proof the Bible can be completely trusted as God’s word.
The prophet Micah precisely identified Bethlehem – 600 years before – as the earthly birthplace of this Ruler coming from eternity. Isaiah, also hundreds of years beforehand, foretold this Prince of Peace would first be a humble, miracle-working servant who through His sufferings would fully satisfy the righteous demands of God the Father’s justice, making the way for sins to be forgiven. Daniel prophesied the time of this Messiah’s appearing, to the day. Zechariah & other prophets provide a multitude of other details, again, hundreds of years earlier; all fulfilled. King David, more than a thousand years earlier, said this Holy One would not decay in the grave.
No other religious leader, teacher or prophet comes close. The only prophecies remaining unfulfilled concern Jesus’ return. His own statement, “everything written about me … must be fulfilled” awaits only His soon-approaching return for completion. This time, He will return as the conquering King to judge & rule over the nations. Are you watching & waiting diligently for That Day?
Your opportunity is right now. Confess to Him now the many ways you have offended His love proven on the cross. Turn from your sins, trusting Jesus went to the cross in your place & took the punishment your sins deserved. When you do, you can have full assurance of complete forgiveness now, eternal life & have the empowerment of His Spirit to obey Him, until That Day.

Read a few of the prophecies yourself ~ Micah 5:2; Isaiah 9:6; Isaiah 7:14; Isaiah 35:5; Isaiah 53:11; Hebrews 12:2; Daniel 9:25-26; Zechariah 9:9; Psalm 16:10; Luke 24:44; Revelation 3:10; Revelation 2:26