What should i do? (gay best friend is suicidal, over me?) HELP PLZ!!!?


Active member
May 13, 2008
My best friend came out to me a year and a half ago...i wasn't very comfortable at first but we got better pretty quickly and he's been having a really tough time lately so we've been hugging allot...i don't rlly mind doing it anymore, and the other night he was rlly upset so i let him lay his head on my chest for a while which seemed to calm him down..

Problem is he keeps getting really worked up about being gay and liking me, i love him but just not in that way but he can't really cope with that idea at the moment...so i don't have a girlfriend or anything because i don't want to make him feel anymore stressed...

At the same time he has also gotten really sick and they don't know why so he's rlly upset about that aswell because he sort of isn't who he use to be...

So about once a week he gets really anxious and upset...and if i'm not with him to calm him down (e.g hugging him) he gets suicidal and i have to spend ages talking him out of it...i know he is reallly depressed about it all and i don't know what to do, i don't know how much longer i can keep saving him, he isn't out to any1 else other than his shrink...but she doesn't seem to be helping much with his depression so its sort of all me and we talk about everything...but it seems like he is getting worse and the only way to calm him down is for me to hug him until he relaxes...

He doesn't want me to tell any1 because he doesn't want his parents to find out...What should i do? I love him but i can't be his special guy i don't know what to do anymore or who to talk to...i'm scared he might actually do it.

(we are both 17 in our final year of school)
I keep trying to convince him its ok for him to be gay and that i love him anyway...but he doesn't really listen and can't get over it