What style of wrestling you like: Sports entertainments or Olympic style/rasslin?


New member
Oct 2, 2009
Choose one and why you really like it. Tell me why you like it and why. Just compare the difference between those two. the Rasslin is a southern style where they focus on more of the in ring product. Sport entertainment is where but has more better storylines plus feuds. But choose one and which one your like and why in good details?
I like Sports entertainment, it has drama, action, characters with personalities, comedy, and suspense. Sports Entertainment is a great way to showcase talents and keep the program interesting by adding some depth and meaning to the battles that take place in the ring, when the story lines are done correctly. Really, I would rather watch an exciting show that has some meaning behind the fights, rather than watch two wrestlers fight for no reason.
The sports entertainment. Mainly cause like you said, the storylines and feuds make it interesting for me.