what would b a REALLY interesting or strange topic concerning the respiratory or


May 13, 2008
circulatory systems? i am in an ap bio class and hav 2 do a presentation on these 2 subjects. i wud apreciate a really strange topic for both, and by strange, i mean something that a 20 year ap bio teacher may not have heard of. something that will make him say "wait, what! really?" thanks for any help.
well you may find this weird, but blood is really cool! I'm sure you've learned the basics about cellular resperation in your bio class and how the blood stream carries vital ingrediants to and from cells to give them food and releive them of waist. When learning this your teacher probably told you all cells need oxygen to live and that blood is composed of mainly red blood cells (with some white ones). But did you ever stop to think about how the blood cells get their vital oxygen and relieved of waist? A really cool project would be to research how the blood cells get food and who takes their waist. Since they do it for everything else, who does it for them?