What would be an interesting topic to write a an essay about?


May 17, 2008
I'm going to participate in a local writting competition and this week is essay category. Even if we have time to write it and deliver it, I wanna start now. Last year I made one about divorce and won third place. This year I was going to make one about serial killers but I decided to postpone it till next year because I dont have enough time to make interviews and stuff.

Can you give me a topic that most people can find insteresting? (Other than anorexia, bulimia, drugs, teen pregnacy and so on) because those topics are used constantly and I want to be different.

Please help me choosing a topic people would find interesting and would not get bored reading it.
(because its extension has to be at least 10 pages in Microsoft Word - Times new roman - size 12)

The best way to do this is to find something you're interested in. I guess you seem to have a bit of a depressing streak so... what about depression? You could do different sub-categories (such as teenage depression, adult depression and their affects on children, childhood depression, symptoms, and so on). Or something a bit happier, like I don't know, say, job loss or unemployment. Kidding. Happier ones might be, Music and how it's changed over the years (you could do it like a time line, 1920s, 1930s, 1940s and so on) or look up some at http://www.goodessaytopics.com/.