Whats a good dish to make that will go with my Thanksgiving honey ham?


New member
Nov 22, 2008
This is my first Thanksgiving on my own and I have decided to make all the yummy dishes. However, I can't figure out what to make that will go with my honey baked ham? Any recipes, ideas, etc will be greatly appreciated! I need a dish that will compliment and go with everything, also taste yummy! Thanks!
Cheesy Potatoes go great with Honey Ham and anything else you serve IMO. This particular recipe is the best I've ever had. The crumbled Ritz crackers give a nice buttery crunch to it.

I've always enjoyed scalloped potatoes with my Honey Baked Ham. Yum, just thinking about your dinner is making my mouth water :0)
Candied yams. Mash them up, put them in a casserole dish, sprinkle brown sugar, butter, and mini marshmallows, and bake for a while.
Slice potato, sweet potato and onion. Layer in a baking dish with grated cheese, sprinkle french onion soup mix and cream over each layer. Cover and bake in oven 180C for 45min then take off foil to brown up for another 15min.