whats a good & easy Salmon recipe?


New member
Jul 3, 2010
Ok, its my first time cooking salmon, and im not sure what to do?
I have 3lbs of salmon fillets, so do i bake them? fry them?
Whats a good oven temp? Cover or not to cover?
So i need a easy recipe or some good tips?

I love simple baked salmon seasoned with lemon, dill and salt and pepper and maybe a little fresh garlic or garlic powder.
I try to remove most of the bones that run in a line down one side of the fish. There shouldn't be too many of them, but I have a pair of tweezers that I keep in my kitchen just for fish bones. You can feel them with your fingers.
I lay the fish skin side down in a long pan and cover with foil.
Bake at 350 degrees for about 30 minutes or until the center of the fish flakes easily.
The fish can be served with a dollop of sour cream mixes with dill or with more lemon.
super easy and yums: three teaspoons fresh chopped cilantro, 1 med lemon slced thin into coinsand black pepper. line a shallow pan withfoil, set oven to 375.
fish in, pink up. pepper fish liberally, but not too much. sprinlke with cilantro. place lemon coins (2 for your three lbs) on top. wrap filet loosely with foil, and into the oven for about 23 mins.
Try this recipe, hope you like it.

asian Grilled Salmon

Cook Time:9 minLevel: EasyYield: 6 servings

1 side fresh salmon, boned but skin on (about 3 pounds)
For the marinade:
2 tablespoons Dijon mustard
3 tablespoons good soy sauce
6 tablespoons good olive oil
1/2 teaspoon minced garlic
Light charcoal briquettes in a grill and brush the grilling rack with oil to keep the salmon from sticking.

While the grill is heating, lay the salmon skin side down on a cutting board and cut it crosswise into 4 equal pieces. Whisk together the mustard, soy sauce, olive oil, and garlic in a small bowl. Drizzle half of the marinade onto the salmon and allow it to sit for 10 minutes.

Place the salmon skin side down on the hot grill; discard the marinade the fish was sitting in. Grill for 4 to 5 minutes, depending on the thickness of the fish. Turn carefully with a wide spatula and grill for another 4 to 5 minutes. The salmon will be slightly raw in the center, but don't worry; it will keep cooking as it sits.

Transfer the fish to a flat plate, skin side down, and spoon the reserved marinade on top. Allow the fish to rest for 10 minutes. Remove the skin and serve warm, at room temperature, or chilled.
We're doing Salmon as Fish Of the Day in my restaurant tonite.
I have fillets with the skin on, I prefer skin on, so I can seal the flesh side in a hot nonm stick pan.
I spray the salmon fillet, seal it on the flesh side & then flip it & cook it the rest opf the way on the skin side. The skin will go crispy.
At the moment we are serving the fish on stir fry baby veg. asparagus, baby corn, baby carrots, broccolini, bok choy.
I usually cook the salmon 5 minutes in a pan, then finish them in the oven 10 minutes.
The idea is to leave the salmon medium, like a steak & not to overcook it, it will be dry...
Of course times will vary for the thickness of the fillets.
last week I bought 2 whole salmon, I filleted them & used the bones to make a coriander (cilantro) & lemongrass risotto, I served an Hollondaise with this & sold out in 2 days...
I've also done a gourmet barbeque where I marinated strips of salmon in Olive oil & lemongrass 7 they went down a treat.
So; Hot pan, flesh side down 2 minutes, flip, opven 10 minutes, serve. Don't over cook.