What's another anime similar to Fullmetal Alchemist?


May 13, 2008
I've watched both anime series and read the manga and loved it all, so I'm looking for something with the same charm that will suck me in.

I'm not fond of excessive filler, and completely indifferent to romance.

I also like Yu-Gi-Oh!, Yu Yu Hakusho, Black Cat, and Chrno Crusade, to name a few examples.
I've tried and have been unable to get into Bleach, Naruto, and DBZ, mostly due to the sheer number of characters and the truckloads of filler that is forced down my throat. Likewise, I've tried HunterXHunter (manga) and wasn't engrossed. Shoujo-style, I have trouble with as well; Fushiga Yugi, Fruits Basket, Cardcaptor Sakura and Sailor Moon are all 'girly' anime/manga that I've tried and couldn't handle.

I love stories that have characters that seem real (to date, all three FMA mediums are the only ones that have ever made me cry due to something I've watched or read) and I do enjoy well-scripted fight scenes but they're not a necessity.

I'll admit I prefer male protagonists, but I have no issue with a female one as long as she isn't written as whiney or as a bitch to appeal to feminists. I'm female myself, but most female characters I can't stand.

In short, I'm after plot. Anything else, be it characters, romance, fighting, etc, should only be in there if it improves and aids the plot. If the plot is derailed due to romance, it's not my kind of thing. Unfortunately, so many these days seem to be along these lines, so I'd appreciate any help I can get.
Considering your taste, my first recommendation to you is "Toaru Majutsu No Index". My second is "Darker Than Black".
You could also try out "Blood+" or "Blood C" depending on whether you prefer JC Staff or CLAMP.
"Kurokami Them Animation" is great on action, fights literally every episode, but it has bits of Shoujo-oriented scenes(the girly parts that you dislike), but they are few and are spaced out with fights.
If you've got the time to embark on a large franchise, you might also want to try "Tsubasa Chronicles".
If you're after a large, gory slugfest with no particular plot, you can go for "Highschool of the Dead".
If you still want more after all this try "ROD the TV" or "ROD OVA" for some more action.
Then, drop me a line and I'll give you another a list.