What's the best way to book a last-minute trip to anywhere?


New member
Jul 3, 2008
I live in western Michigan and I'm looking for inexpensive travel. There are so many places I've never been, I think I'd enjoy going just about anywhere. What's the best method for getting out of town on short notice and getting the best deal?

I've checked Orbitz and Travelocity, and the way those sites are setup, it works better if you know where you're going. I want to be able to browse for ideas of where to go. I hate to go to a travel agent, as every time I've checked with them, the vacation ends up much more expensive than if I plan it myself. Personally, I wouldn't mind just going to the airport and seeing if I can just take the next flight out... but I don't even think that would work. :)

Any tips or ideas?