whats the difference putting a sealed box or ported box (2 inches) from a


New member
May 31, 2010
wall in a truck? 2 inches isnt a lot of space from a wall. a lot of people keep their box about a foot away from a wall. that its facing. but will the tiny space have a difference in sound. with the different boxes?
you want atleast 5inches from the wall. yeah the closer the better. be a perfect bass wave. but not to close either. with a ported box you wanna keep it atleast the smallest inches in the port. so lets say its a rectangular port that is 3inches wide and 12inches long. you wanna keep it atleast 3inches from the back wall. so with whatever type of port you have, you use the smallest inches in the port as the min space from any wall.
as for sealed ill keep it atleast 3inches. but ill keep it at 5inches

and yes you will notice a difference in sound just try it. the farther you keep it from a back wall the long the bass wave takes to bounce back which wont be as long to the ear or meter as if you had it really close.