What's the most basic and cheapest food I can survive on until I have enough money?


New member
Jun 1, 2008
As a full time student I will be receiving no funding during the summer of course and I will have to cut back my living costs. My part time jobs offer me a minimum of £300 a month, sometimes more if I can get the hours. My rent is £200 monthly, for power (which is £35 per month), leaves me with £65 for food and just other things I might need. For the next four months at least I need to cut back on something...but I have already cut back on everything, even food. I don't watch tv except on special occasions (I watch one DVD weekly and don't need a TV licence as its all i watch), I don't leave appliances on standby,I don't leave lights on. Almost everything I buy is tesco value/ asda smart price, the cheapest food there is. I have a cat and a rabbit to take care of, and they get the second minimum possible priced food which is still good but not the absolute cheapest which they seem happy with. I don't use a tumble dryer, just hang my clothes up in the flat. My mum was once so poor she lived on tea and ginger biscuits and bread for months...I don't want to be so extreme, but I thought about doing something similar. I thought about having one big square meal a day (lots of veg, a bit of meat, and lots of chips/mash) and living the rest of the day on tesco value muesli. Is it do-able? Or is there a cheaper and better way to do this? I can't move back home, and I can't get more work. During the summer although there isn't university, I have to do a lot of studying (almost as much as term time) as I struggle in my course to keep up even with all the extra work I do. What can I do? I refuse to take out loans and get into debt, or borrow from people. I live with my partner and we halve the bills.