What's with this twin trend with celebs!?


New member
Oct 18, 2008
Yes, I'm jealous. I've wanted twins all my life, but there's no hope for them because I don't have any in my family.

And yet, 90% of the celebrities out there are having them. You can't tell me that they all "happen" to have the special gene that they need to have twins! They're all paying millions of dollars to "fix" their pregnancies to give them twins.

I'm not sure if the're doing it for the attention that twins get, or if they're trying to "kill to birds with one stone" so they don't have to take maternity leave from their careers again int he future. And non-famous people are doing it too, with all this fancy new medical treatments.

Does anyone else feel this way too?
Jasmin, if you do some research, you'll see that there is an alarming amount of celebrities having twins nowadays: Jennifer Lopez, Mariah Carey, Celine Dion (I know she was having troubles, her was in vitro), Sarah Jessica Parker, Angelina Jolie, Rebecca Romijn, Maria Cross, Julia Roberts, Kelly Preston was pregnant with twins before she miscarried in July.

And those are just the most famous people! There's smaller names out there, and I'm sure wives of the famous males are having the same "luck" lately.

These are alarming numbers! You cannot tell me that the special "gene" that gives these celebrities their fabulous ability to act or sing ALSO gives them the special ability to have twins...and almost all on their first tries! Nor can I believe that they ALL have fertility problems! Thus, my assumption.

Yes, I am making an assumption, but I am making a LOGICAL assumption that they are getting in vitro to have twins on purpose!
I've never wanted kids, not even when I was little but I think it's kind of gross that people are doing unnatural things to have kids the way they want to. I have nothing against people getting medical treatments to have kids when they can't have one or so they can knock out two birds with one stone but just because they wanted multiple births or other things like their kid looking a certain way I think it's pretty creepy and vain. Of course if they want it done it's their choice but that's just how I personally feel.
well maybe because twins are coool.
or maybe having one by one is too much work.
damn men have it so easy
im a twin :)
answer mine??? http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AsMp0m4Q.4ru4HywuirTKN3sy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20101216132819AAFWSJq
Fertility drugs for people who have difficulty conceiving often cause multiples to be born
I have no idea what you're saying. Mariah Carey is the only person i know of at the moment that is having twins. What 90% are you talking about? Anyway, i also don't understand how they can "fix" their pregnancies to have twins. I don't see how that's possible. I can't say that i feel the same, because i don't know what you're talking about.