When our kids and grandkids are fiddling around with their cybernetic...


New member
Jun 3, 2008
...telepathic gizmos and doing stuff? we never dreamed possible, will we still be here arguing with each other? Will our typing speed have improved? Will we still need spell check? Will we still be asking the same questions? Will any of us have checked out the rest of Y!A?
dfg, yes, that's what I was driving at. Exactly. Black people. I applaud your keen insight, your ability to read between the lines.

Other answers that also would have gotten that same applause:
banana pudding
Grape Ape
donut field theory
the Geranimals Conspiracy
singing street gangs

Well, I've checked out the rest of Y/A, but the typing speed doesn't seem to have improved much.

I do blame the fact that I have the worst keyboard every invented for that though. (Cheap crap made in China. Shame on Dell for including such crap with their computers!)
