Where is a good place to go on vacation out of the U.S?


New member
Nov 19, 2011
I've been wanting to go somewhere and visit a place that is very interesting and would be a place me and my mom would like to go, if you could help me out i would greatly appreciate it, thank you very much :)
Hmm,.. I really liked Thailand when I went, however I'm not sure how adventurous your mom is. Thailand is quite a bit different, especially in the city areas. Lots of open markets, lots of people, & lots of traffic. But, I loved the people, the food, the shopping, and seeing the old temples.

Europe might be also be a good option. I've only been to a few European countries, but my favorite of the ones I've been to so far is France. I really think the whole country is just gorgeous. I was in the Alps, Paris and Normandy, and I enjoyed each place equally. There's so much history, beautiful architecture, beautiful countryside and lovely food. Europe is a bit more expensive than going to most of Asia, but it's definitely worth going.