Where should I work McDonald's, Burger King, Taco Bell or Meijer?


New member
Jul 22, 2008
I've been planning to work for a long time now but I can't decide where. My choices are Meijer's ( huge food/clothes store), Burger King, Taco Bell, or McDonalds. I've never worked before and I have no clue how to use the machine thing. Also I don't know how to make Burgers, tacos, and all that. Will they teach me how? Also, what are the differences between each one, the salary, which one is harder? Where would you work if you're in my position? thanks
MickeyD's! I work there hahah.
Don't worry it's not hard.
McDonald's actually looks REALLY good on a resume, when you're trying to find a better job afterwards. It may suck, they probably all do, but you know its your first job.
McDonalds has really good training too. If you don't mind working with the public then work in the front, if not, try working in the back. I work in the back and from what i've heard, it's way easier. They'll ask you which one you would prefer to work. And as for making burgers all you do is put it on a grill press 2 buttons and wait like 20 seconds and voila.
oh yeah and you have 99% chance of getting hired at McDonalds. I didn't even give them a resume or anything. People are constantly quitting so they're always hiring.
Don't worry they teach you everything you need tdo know and if you need help just ask someone! they don't mind at all.
well first you had better apply for at least one of them and see if they even want to hire you.

i would imagine one is as good as another, for fast food. it really depends who owns the chain you work for and will they be good people to work for. seems to me you need to talk to some people that work at those various places.

you act as if they are all holding their breath just waiting to give you a job. you read the papers lately, some adults are working at these places for minimum wage cause they can't find anything else.

as far as money, they all have different shifts, usually the crummy shift (nights) pays the most. but first they would have to train you.

good luck, and just keep an open mind