Which gadget can show the temperature(usage) of ATI 6550 Mobility GPU that is in...


New member
Aug 9, 2011
...acer 4820tg notebook? My laptop has intel core i5 CPU (include intel HD graphic card) and ATI Radeon 6550 Mobility GPU and installed Win 7 Home Premium x64.
I tried almost all gadgets and everest and riva tuner but none of them could show some information about my GPU.
I installed the newest drivers from acer homepage. I know there is newer driver but if i installed that I couldn't change the brightness of screen with FN+UP key combinaton.
I tried both graphic card mode in BIOS but this way don't work, too.

Has anybody some idea how can it work?

Thanks for reply.

P.S.: Sorry my bad english.
Thanks Bassman1.
The softwares from your link doesn't work, becouse thats sense only my CPU.
I need the temperature of GPU.
How to Monitor the Temperature of a Laptop
Read more: How to Monitor the Temperature of a Laptop | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/how_5923107_monitor-temperature-laptop.html#ixzz1SOrgKmHi